Men's 4 X 100 Free Relay
National Team
When Michael Phelps won 8 gold medals in the 2008 Olympics, a spotlight was placed on swimming that has never shone brighter. The sport of swimming is becoming much more widely covered; you can turn on ESPN and find highlights, they're beginning to show more televised meets, and members of the National Team are being looked up to as idols to younger swimmers. It is a very exciting time to be a swimmer and to be starting out in the sport as well.
One aspect from the 2009 Olympics that stuck out to me is that the focus was not only on individual swimmers, but also on the team as a whole, which was interesting to see. In particular, I am thinking of the men's 4 X 100 freestyle relay that included Michael Phelps, Garrett Weber-Gale, Cullen Jones, and Jason Lezak. The primary focus of the entire world watching this relay initially was whether or not Michael Phelps would receive another gold medal, as the U.S. relay was considered the underdog to France's relay. The last leg of that race; however, when Jason Lezak caught up to Bernard (the French swimmer) goes down in history as not only one of the greatest moments in swimming, but also as one of the greatest moments in Olympic history. He comes up in the second half and just touches Bernard out, winning the gold medal for the U.S. relay. I remember literally jumping out of bed and running through my house high-fiving every member of my family when this happened because it was so exciting. However, this was the reaction of every person in the U.S., not just swimming fans. It was then that the world got a real taste of the energy and enthusiasm between the team members in the U.S.
It is really motivating to have a swimmer on the National Team to look up to for how far they've gone, but to also motivate a swimmer to do their best. Also, watching the meets and seeing the swimmers encourage each other means a lot to younger swimmers on their own teams. It is always extremely helpful to see your fellow team members cheering for you both during your own race and during your relays (as shown by the men's relay in the Olympics). I've always looked up to Aaron Piersol for how cool and calm he is, but how he can bust out world records in his races. Also, Dara Torres...she is 41 years old, had a baby, and still comes back to compete each year.