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Swimming: A Website for Coaches, Swimmers, and Fans

As a first-time swim team coach, I am learning new information about both the sport and myself after every practice and meet. I have set up this website to both promote the sport of swimming and share some basic information that I have taken away so far in my experience.

There is a lot more to swimming a race than perfect skill and speed. While these things do help, mentality and having goals are also incredibly important. Throughout this site there will be references that focus on all of these different aspects.

This is my first season as an assistant coach for a grade school swim team. The age groups range from 6 and under up to 14 and under. This is actually the first year that this swim team is in existence as well, which means this is a learning experience for all involved: coaches, swimmers, and families. We practice twice a week for one hour each evening and have meets on the weekends, which does not give much time to really dilly-dally; I have to know what I want to focus on and what I want to do when I get to practice each evening. At the same time, the team as a whole is really starting to come together and improve in that short amount of time.

My Top Ten Educational Websites
Click here to learn about goal-setting
Click here to read more on mentality
Click here for strokes and techniques
Click here to learn more about your favorite swimmers
My Global Warming Webquest
